“Enjoyed working with Dimitri; professional and knowledgeable skillset complimented by a great personality. Would absolutely come back as a return customer in the future.”
Ranked as the top real estate team in the Stafford/Fredericksburg area, Michael and his team of real estate advisers have sold over $750 million dollars in real estate. We know the real estate experience can be daunting which is why we have developed a proven process creating a simpler, hassle-free experience with open lines of communication. We use the right combination of cutting edge marketing platforms and techniques, proven traditional tactics and an individualized strategy for each client to achieve your goals.
At the Gillies Team, our #1 priority is to provide a convenient, consistent world class experience 100% of the time.
Too many people come to us after becoming frustrated, feeling like they are going at it alone with no idea what was coming around the next bend. We believe you should feel confident and informed every step of the way. You should know what to expect and get what’s expected. Your real estate experience should be Built Around You.
Meet Our Team